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DATA EXPERT: Dominion Switched 200,000 Votes from Trump to Biden in Georgia

Data expert Edward Solomon says he has reversed engineered the Dominion algorithm.

Last month, Solomon posted a video where he claimed to have broken down how voter software was used to switch votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania.

Over the weekend, Solomon produced a new video in which he claims that he has reversed engineered the Dominion algorithm.

Solomon says using the same approach as he used in Pennsylvania, he identified some 200,000 votes that were transferred from Trump to Biden.

Solomon says he has signed “affidavits” and “will appear in court and testify” to his findings.

Are Solomon’s claims credible?

WATCH the video and decide for yourself.

1 reply »

  1. God bless Mr. Solomon. Solomon was the wisest man in the Bible and Edward Solomon is the smartest detective on our side.

Tell the Wiz what you think!