Categories: Election
| On 5 days ago

Fraud Investigator Who Sought to Disprove Sidney Powell Says His Analysis Shows Biden Did 1.5% Better Where Dominion Machines Were Deployed. Expert Recommends Audit.

Turner wrote that he was shocked by Sidney Powell's claims that Dominion voting system switched votes from Biden to Trump. Turner said his goal was to disapprove Powell's claims, but his analysis revealed troubling concerns.
By The Wiz

December 12, 2020 | 6:20 PM ET

Ben Turner, the founder of FraudSpotters, a company that specializes in producing fraud detection software for insurance companies, said he recommends an audit of the Dominion voting machines after his review of the data.

Turner wrote that he was shocked by Sidney Powell’s claims that Dominion voting system switched votes from Trump to Biden. Turner said his goal was to disprove Powell’s claims, but his analysis revealed troubling concerns.


In his analysis, Turner writes: 

“Statistical analysis of past presidential races supports the view that in 2020, in counties where Dominion Machines were deployed, the voting outcomes were on average (nationwide) 1.5% higher for Joe Biden and 1.5% lower for Donald Trump after adjusting for other demographic and past voting preference.

For Dominion to have switched the election from Trump to Biden, it would have had to have increased Biden outcomes (with a corresponding reduction in Trump outcomes) by 0.3% in Georgia, 0.6% in Arizona, 2.1% in Wisconsin, and 2.5% in Nevada. The apparent average of 1.5% “Dominion Effect” is greater than the margin in Arizona and Georgia, and close to the margin for Wisconsin and Nevada. It is not hard to picture a scenario where the actual effect in Wisconsin and Nevada was greater than the national average and would have changed the current reported outcome in those two states.

Assuming the “Dominion Effect” is real, it is possible that an audit of these machines would overturn the election.

These results are scientifically valid and have a p-value of less than 1%, meaning the chances of this math occurring randomly are less than 1 in 100.”

Ben Turner, FraudSpotters

Tuner concludes his review by calling for an audit. He writes, “The best way to restore faith in the system is to audit the Dominion voting machines in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin.”

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